Sunday, February 5, 2012

Aiieeee yaiii yaiii

Ok got to rant.

I am so tired of reading scriptural people taking things WAY out of context and then clinging to it as if there is nothing else left. I like to consider myself a truth seeker. I LOVE to research things and always have. And since dh decided to leave me for a catholic cult, I have done way too much research into catholicism to see if there is ANY truth in what this guy teaches. Now this guy, is the extreme. But as I've been learning about even more 'normal' catholics. Holy cow. Crazy talk. Seriously, CRAZY TALK. I remember once my dh was complaining about how protestants  take Jesus off the cross and how he hates that. Well you know what I've concluded about that?! Catholics keep Jesus on the cross because that's exactly where they want him, dead and on the cross. Protestants take Jesus off the cross because we serve a LIVING GOD. Not a dead one. If Jesus did not come off the cross and live, we would NOT have a religion. Everything hung on that alone, that he would rise 3 days later. And he did. So, since he did, we take him off the cross as well.

Also, the whole praying to/with Mary/worship thing is very bothersome to me. It's not scriptural. And for those that want to argue that you are not praying to her or worshiping her, well, first of all your catechism says otherwise. (2675, 2676 & 2679). And so do your daddy popas.
Pope John Paul when he got shot was apparently begging for her to have mercy on him and praying for her to save him...  Unfortunately I can't find my source on this one to give the exact quote.
Pope Piux ix, 1854 Papal Decree: "continue to venerate, invoke, and pray to the most blessed Virgin Mary"
He also said something along the lines of "If there is any hope in us, any grace, any salvation, it comes to us by her, because thus is the will of God, who has desired that we have everything through Mary" Ummm what about when JESUS himself says I am the way, the truth and the life. No body comes to the father except through me..? (John 14:6) So you are going to discredit the words of Jesus himself for the words of some man?? Psalm 146:3 tells us not to put our trust in man. And what does Paul tell us in Galations about deserting the Gospel for a gospel that is really no gospel at all? (Gal 1:6-9)

Anyway I have quite a task ahead of me but I just had to get a few things out there.
God bless.

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