Saturday, December 24, 2011


A few things to say. I am trying not to 'grumble' so much but at the moment, I am failing.  Right now, I am a little irritated at people who speak about things they clearly do not know. Really- if you do not know what you're talking about, do not talk. If you have not researched it, do not express your opinion as fact. I guess that's really what bothers me. I talk about things I'm not sure about but I PRAY I do not try to express them as facts as opposed to suppositions. Here's where this annoyance came from [today] (I've had this annoyance MANY times). Something got me looking into different bibles and the accuracy of them. I think because someone I know (and care very much about) has a strong bend towards the Douay Rheims and believes it is the ONLY bible we should read. Well, as a lover of languages, I am bothered by the fact that the DR is a translation of a translation. St Jerome translated the bible into latin and then it was translated into English from latin. So we went from A to B to C. And when it comes to translations A ≠ C. Simply because A doesn't TrULy resemble B and C doesn't trULy express B therefore it is impossible that C could accurately interpret A. Does that make sense? Something is ALWAYS lost in translation. Always. So I began researching the accuracy of the vulgate. Which, well, I found many a poor review. But we all also have our biases.

Well, during this 'hunt' for what is suppose to be the 'most accurate', one finds cheerleader groups for every version there is. The KJV has quite a little following. I particularly like the NIV because it is clear, easy to read, and during a difficult time in my life, I was praying & PRAYING for understanding of God's word (I had been reading the DR) and the next day, someone gave me the NIV as a random gift. So. I am rather fond of it. Anyway, I also feel it is neither here nor there. In my opinion, it doesn't really matter which version of the Bible you read. I am just thankful you are reading it! From all the Bibles I've been comparing during my walk, they all have the same basics. Love God with all your heart and soul, believe in Jesus (and that he is your savior), and love your neighbor.  Those are some of the key points all versions have in common. Because they are the most important. I mean really, for people who think you MUST ONLY read the KJV or the DR or the NIV or the ESV or the etc, what about the people who speak French? Or arabic? Or hindi? Obviously they are reading different versions.... Because if they are reading a translation of the KJV, the DR, or the NIV (etc) then we have again the A ≠ B ≠ C thing again. Sigh, anyway, Paul talks about unity in several places. (1 Cor 12:12-31; Eph 4:1-16, esp v. 3, 14) and Jesus also talks about being one (John 17) and that those who are not against us are for us (Mark 9:38) and when Jesus talks about a house dividing on itself (Matthew 12:30).

Anyway so my more specific point about doing your research. One of the websites I came across was a yahoo forum and these people were praising the KJV as the most accurate (one even said it was 100% accurate) and putting down the NIV. Ok have your opinion. One person though, stated that anyone that reads the NIV should be ashamed of themselves because Zondervan publishes it and they continued to say that Zondervan is apart of Harper Collins that publishes the 'Satanic Bible' and the 'Joy of Gay Sex' or something so because of that ...I should be ashamed of myself.

So knowing that was completely ludicrous, I started looking into publishers. Well, little did this person apparently know that 1) the NIV is also published by several other publishing companies and 2) Zondervan also publishes the KJV. So........ their argument holds no ground. Please people, do your homework.

Ok that was a long grumble. Had to get it off my chest I guess. Thank you.

In a LiGhTeR note, I love the Word of God (whether it's the NKJV, the DR, NIV, ESV, MSG, etc) and I pray that it will continue to resonate within me and continue to lead me into the light of God. I am so thankful for the Word. I am so thankful for my family and friends. For the holidays. For time off to spend with my loved ones. For a husband who is willing to work hard for us. For Cross Point. For the peace within my heart. For my beautiful, healthy [well, she's got a cold actually, but overall] baby girl. For people who are quick to listen and slow to speak or anger (ahem, I should work on these). I am thankful for people open to the Bible and to His love. I am thankful for so much, He is such an amazing provider. I love Him so. Anyway I suppose that's all for now. I shouldn't have grumbled so long. I am sorry. But I hope my rant may have helped someone, somehow.

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