Sunday, December 11, 2011

Good debate..

Actually, it wasn't a debate because I believe debate implies that both could potentially be right. And here, biblically speaking, this person is NOT right. I may not be right either, but I know this person is not.

I saw a youtube clip on FB about some christian girls talking about bad politics. Short, decent little clip. Basically asking politicians to stop using Jesus as a way to get votes (especially when you are MISrepresenting Jesus). Well, my mistake after that- was reading some comments. One person wrote that JC doesn't love all the children and started quoting leviticus. One person wrote that the girls needed to preach 'the whole truth' and that if we are continuing to sin, we are not truly christian. Another wrote a comment criticizing their intelligence while using bad grammar.
So I felt compelled to reply. To the first, I told them that unless they are jewish, to get out of the old testament and into the new and gave several verses about how His burden is light, that we are no longer bound by the 600+ OT laws, the most important commands according to JC, and several verses about the OT vs the NT and how God is love.
To the second, I wrote that we are not able to live sinlessly (Rom 7:16-25. 1Jn1:8,9) and they themselves should practice what they preach about 'preaching the whole truth' especially since that would take longer than a 1:14seconds (the length of the video).
And to the third, I wrote that before criticizing their intelligence with bad grammar, maybe they should read the story about throwing the first stone.

Someone apparently took strong offense to my 3rd comment and called me judgmental and said something like 'before you go out and kill somone...' I was QUITE confused. And then thru a string of comments, I couldn't tell if they were christian or not. Then they said that these girls were almost demonic and that anyone that believes JC encourages us to 'love extravagantly' as the video states, is flat out wrong. Which of course, I had to reply to that. And more or less it just went back and forth. They are very much like....someone I know but through that person I was truly brought to Christ so. I kind of wanted to elaborate and give more details of the conversation but it would take a lot of time to go back and forth trying to find the comments now on yt.

It is so sad to me though when people want to focus on the hate. God is love. 1st John says that more than once. And what is love? 1st Corinthians 13.  So let's put 2 & 2 together, please. Anyway, praise God for His Son & His Word. I love the Bible so much, I do not know how to express my love for it! Anyway I need to go to bed since I have to get up and work tomorrow.

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